Whiting High & Dry Hackle (Half Capes)
OverviewSuperb half capes. Value for money. Very nice feathers for the dry fly in sizes 10-18. Moreover, lots of beautiful feathers for all kinds of buggers and streamers in sizes 6-8. Great value, great fishing!
Whiting Farms' High & Dry line of rooster half capes are developed from their Hebert/Miner genetic pool and provides dry fly hackle close to the quality of the Whiting Dry Fly Hackle bronze grade at a savings of more than 15%. High & Dry capes have dry fly feathers in the range of 10 to 18, plus bugger feathers in sizes 6 and 8. They are available in the most popular dry fly natural and dyed colors and grizzly capes are now dyed in great colors for steelhead patterns.